< Adventures in Sasa land

Adventures in Sasa land
In the mind of a hyperactive,plot bunny capturee, fangirl, fic writer

Sunday, May 30, 2010

It bleed my heart to say this. And don't kill me Yunho-biased Cassies, I love our Leader-Oppa, but he should've stepped up and protected his family.


Posted by Mademoiselle Jgabrielle at 7:39 PM | 0 comments
Monday, May 3, 2010
Is that I think alot. And when I do, I think. Not just think think. I think. Like thinking sort of thinking. And thus, make no sense whatsoever to the average human mind. So when I was thinking today as I hung the freshly laundered clothes out to dry, it suddenly hit me; what's up with homophobia?

I know some of my mates would probably go "Oh man~ Not again...." But click the back button if you want to. I ain't stoppin you. I mean, c'mon! You're the one who decided to click and read in the first place so, (W) nitwit.

Oh, and to all those aunties, uncles, close minded (REALLY) and people who take the Bible word for word, you can leave too. This one isn't for your saintly untainted minds. i wouldn't want anyone to have to sue me or claim I put them in a confession booth because of what I wrote. By the way, if you don't have something constructive to say about this, don't bother. I'll just delete your comments anyway. Or better yet, put it down like a Homunculus under my feet.

Anyone who claims they know me should know that I support LGBT. I support them with every bit in me. Coming back to my thinking, I was pondering about how maleXmale relationships were accepted in the olden days and yet, with modernization, it becomes a filthy thing that needs to be avoided with every fiber of our being. Back then, men with high social standings (i.e Kings, members of the court, government officials.... etc.) kept not only women as bedfellows, but men as well.

Argue No if you must, but look at this way. How many times in history can you find stories of royalty (especially true in terms of European royalty) being smitten by their own sex? I mean, look at Ludwig of Austria. The poor fellow was probably demented from all the closet hiding. By the way, he kicked it around the same time his physician did; at a lake near the castle. Rumor has it that the king was besotted by his handsome McDreamy and that the lovers spat by the lake had escalated into something more. Don't believe me? There's a thing called Google.

Okay, at the rate my brain is going, I can't research and soundly prove myself to you. But what I'm saying is true. Back then, people couldn't be bothered whether you were straight, narrow or winding. Somehow along the way, we got the message that love between two human beings, with differences of gender, background, religion was wrong and bad.

Yeah, yeah... quote the Bible. BUT, i'll refute you if I have to.

So, am I betraying God? Am I going against His words? God is love. No matter how you look at it, He is love. Everyone should have an Alex Sanchez. Then those gay teen suicide rates wouldn't be so high. Then those gay bashings would never have to happen. Then families wouldn't be torn apart. The world is a cruel, cold and hard place as it is. Shouldn't we encourage love instead of shooting down the next LGBT? I don't know about you, but I personally wouldn't want my children to be brought up in an environment where they are influenced to think, "Okay, mummy and daddy can love each other, but daddy can't love another man and mummy can't marry another mummy."

Big question people, Lasik surgery; Ok. Plastic surgery, Ok. Being Gay? Not OK. You tell me, which one of the three are going against God's creation? Think people, think.

TBC because this shit never ends.


Posted by Mademoiselle Jgabrielle at 10:19 AM | 2 comments