< Adventures in Sasa land

Adventures in Sasa land
In the mind of a hyperactive,plot bunny capturee, fangirl, fic writer

Thursday, July 22, 2010
What why? Well, why Malaysia will never escape the grasp of being a Third World nation.

Starts off like this, I was sitting in the bus when in comes these two brats who not only smell like cigarettes, but were eating like pigs. McDonalds, I shall forever shudder in this memory of you filling the likes of them. They SMELT, WERE LOUD & were totally oblivious to the discomforts of others. (They were kicking my chair)

Now, I'm not going to stereotype anyone. As thus, I won't reveal their races. But these two individuals were none older than minors, at least.

So what occured today on the bus (please note that this is just one of the many reasons why I'd rather wait for the RapidKL U24 than sit in a Metrobus 191) was that these 'gaki' decided it was ok to use their 'vocabulary' on us.

I had had enough so I just leaned over to my companions Wing & Swee Yie and just vented my woes. I had not ( I stress, NOT) in anyway made it painfully obvious to them. I had spoken in Mandarin, averted my eyes away & just vented. I merely said it loud enough so that they might hear. I'd not thought they would comprehend.

Apparently they did.

They then retaliated with choiced Mandarin words, Cantonese and the occasional BM and stunted English. Oh Please! I could've countered in 4 languages if I wanted to. But as Swee Yie had kindly pointed out, we are Chinese. Our parents taught us well to do our race proud and to conduct ourselves in a proper manner in public. She was right. My parents did taught me well. So, I plugged in my earphones and took my book out to read. No more playing with the uncouth.

Hahaha.... They didn't get the memo. When they got off the bus, Wing & I unplugged our earphones and started talking to Swee Yie who'd had the unfortunate fortune of having no earplugs. Seems like someone SERIOUSLY had no lesson in manners from their parents.

It looked to be like those kids just didn't stop when we did. (Actually we stopped WAAAY long ago) They just kept cussing and cussing and cussing in their excruciatingly stunted comprehension of Mandarin, Cantonese & English. Using words that NORMAL EDUCATED people would shy from using in public, they just went on and on thinking that they were so great. How embarassing. For them.

Is 'What book are you read?' a proper grammatically correct sentence? No? Goes to show these numbskulls didn't study or rather never paid attention in class. What we regret most from the proceedings of this evening wasn't the fact we bumped into these sort of people. No. What we regret most is that we didn't manage to record their immature antics. Imagine that. It would've been a hit on the web. Youtube baby. Youtube.

When they had not spurn any reaction from us, they took to commenting about the book I was reading and generally making a total fool of themselves. Then, as they were disembarking, they decided to throw a 'Fuck You'.

I did not hear a single thing coz Super Junior, SHInee, auto Kratz & SJM were singing in my ears. But I did managed a totally big 'Thank God!' as they were leaving and a 'Bye Bastards' . Wanna know what's funny? Some random 3rd party person decides to join in something that HAD NO TOTAL CONCERN whatsoever to him. Kay Poh Chee much? He threw a 'Ah Moi why are you like that, bla bla, bloody bla.' Like I care LOSER.

So. Malaysia's going to the dogs. And it's not just coz of the political state of things. It's the youth. They aren't the first I've met who are like this and they certainly won't be the last. Parents not giving the proper lessons of fundamentals in being a proper decent human beings and Educational systems that aren't even stable. A big WHY is in order.

America might be a country riddled with violence, arrogance and issues. But they have the proper excuses. Why can't we be like the Koreans or the Japanese? Or even the Kiwis? Or the Aussies? Or the Singaporeans with their will to the be the best? It seems to me all the youth of Malaysia cares about is nothing at all. The don't even have the mindset of making their country proud or to portray a good image of their nation. So many horror stories, embarassing ones too that will make your toes cringe. Yet so little time.

I've seen too much. It breaks my heart to be saying this, but people, go to Sarawak. Even if we decide to get all bitchy at people, we do it properly. With a proper comprehension of the words we use.

I swear, I love this country. I'm not saying that citizens of the other states in Malaysia have a very bad attitude and portray bad images of our country. I'm just a proud Sarawakian. Proud Malaysian. But I certainly don't want to raise my child in here.


Posted by Mademoiselle Jgabrielle at 6:44 AM |


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