< Adventures in Sasa land

Adventures in Sasa land
In the mind of a hyperactive,plot bunny capturee, fangirl, fic writer

Sunday, July 19, 2009

I'm absolutely upset. Ianto's dead. I know that Torchwood employees never live long enough to see their hair turn gray, but I still can't help but be affected. I havn't seen any of the episodes of Series3. I have, though, Wikipedia-ed it. And imagine it when I read that Ianto DIED. So I went on all the major TV guide sites and they all tell me one thing. My favourite tea-boy's dead.

The clip is actually a snippet of the last of three (was it three??) audio episodes that aired just recently. The part that's here is the one where Ianto talks to Jack while he's in a trance-like state. It gets really emotional for us 'actual' fans, because it's here that Ianto sorta bares his soul a little. Calling himself 'a blip in time', he pleads for Jack to come back though he's very much aware of the day that will come that Jack will leave for good. The fangirl in me is totally bunking out in the midst of sodden tissues and empty boxes.

I want him BACK, Mr. Russel T. Davies! I know for a fact that John was spotted on the Dr. Who set recently, so I know you're plotting something. And it better be good. Us fangirls like our tea-boys.

My roomie's looking at me all funny 'coz I just spent a good 15 minutes hugging my pillow while replaying the clip and sobbing. Sigh.

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Posted by Mademoiselle Jgabrielle at 9:56 AM |


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