< Adventures in Sasa land

Adventures in Sasa land
In the mind of a hyperactive,plot bunny capturee, fangirl, fic writer

Friday, October 30, 2009
We're the Mika Girls
And we never stop
Hyper super balls of energy
We're who we are
Wear our favourite clothes
Who gives a fuck?
Lets speak French
Just because we can

Wear the bright red shoes
Wear the purple ribbon
Wear the colours of the rainbow
Wear the colours of your heart
Because colourful are us

They can see us coming
Singing to his voice in the radio
His words are our emotions
Oh! The beauty that is he
We'd smile even if it was a bad day

Don't ever spend too much on life's comforts
Heed what she says
Wear our hearts on our sleeves
Write the words in a streaming flow
Does it matter that we're camp?
Why do you give a shit anyways?
Our sexuality in question
Will be ours alone

But above all
We're unique
We're relaxed
We're enigmas
We're confident
We're loud
We're proud
We're Mika Girls!!

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Posted by Mademoiselle Jgabrielle at 3:38 AM | 0 comments
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
I take out the old photo album in the drawer. I hadn't realised it was there, but it is. I turn the pages, smile, grimace and laugh quietly at our frozen expressions. They could've never seperated us even if they wanted to.

I've always love you, you know?

But I guess you don't.

It's better this way. You're with her now. I should be happy for you as we'd promised each other to be when we found another. But I'm not. And I never will be. I guess I deserved it, after the things I put you through. But I still want you here. Still want to run my fingers through your hair. Still want your lips on mine. Still want your hand in mine. Still want you. I'll never tell you this, but I wanted forever with you. Even if it was wrong. Even if I go to Hell for this love, I wanted it. So bad.

I wanted to stay with you forever. I wanted to have kids with you. Wanted to see them run around in our backyard. Wanted to see them grow and have children of their own. Wanted to let our family be an example of what we could be. I wanted so much! If you'd had wanted the moon, I'd have had lassoed it and pulled it near for you. I would turn my back on the world, if it meant having you.

But it's too late now isn't it? Those things will only be mere wishes, mere writings in the sand.

Know this though. I love you. always have. You'll always be my first. I'll try to love again. This time for the sake of happiness. I'll try to be happy for you. God knows it'll be hard, but I'll try. For you.

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Posted by Mademoiselle Jgabrielle at 6:52 AM | 0 comments
Monday, October 26, 2009
Beautiful. It was the only word that could justify the angel in my arms. When did I get so lucky?

She twirls away from my grasp like the wind- there, tangible but never yours. Smiling, her grey eyes seem to sparkle as they beckoned me to follow. And follow, I did. Her laughter is like the sweet chime of crystal glasses. It cuts through the cold drizzle that we were in. I did not care much for the cold droplets on my skin, my hair and my clothes. In fact, I would very much prefer the warmth of the house and the linens of my bed to this. But she is here, so I must be too.

She eludes me, turning away and flitting from my fingertips. Her white dress is getting drenched more and more by the passing minute. I'm determined to get her inside with me. She laughs as I stumble on a pebble. I swear. She must've been a wood maiden in one of her lifetimes. Even in the dim stormy light, I could see that her cheeks were alive with colour and her eyes wide with excitement. How could I ever deny her the simple pleasure of the rain now?

Soon, I run out of breath. I stop. Lean forward with my hands on my lap, gasping for breath. She runs ahead and then stops. I could see her emotions going from happy mischievousness to curiousness to worry. She approaches me slowly, that is when I pounce.

"Gotcha!" I cried out laughing, tumbling onto the wet grass with her squealing in my arms. We lay there, with the rain in our face and the wet coldness of the grass seeping into our back. At least mine. Soon she ceased her struggles and merely rolled over in my arms and lay with her head on my chest tucked under my chin, listening to the rapid beats of my heart. I run my hand through her damp curls. It was a subconscious thing that I do when she is in my arms. I lean forward to breathe in her. Her sweet scent that was tinged with the rain and earth. I could never get enough of her. "Beautiful." I whispered as she tilts her head up and smiles at me.

"Beautiful." I whisper again. I turn her over, so that I was the one on the top instead of her. I whisper again and again and again and again. Kissing every single part of her cold pale skin as a punctuation. My angel trembled in my ministrations. It made me want her more. I move my hand southwards, looking up to her face for confirmation. She merely pulls me down and runs her long fingers through my hair.


I grinned.....

"Wake up little brother!"

My overtly enthusiastic excuse of an older brother wakes me up with a swift hit of the pillow on my head. "Ow. That hurt." I muttered rolling to my side. The bright morning sunshine assaulted my eyes, nearly blinding them.


I frowned to see what the comment was about this time to see little John tenting up my trousers. My eyes widened in horror and looked up just to see the evil glint in my brother's eye as he skipped out of the door.


Oh god. Kill me now.


Posted by Mademoiselle Jgabrielle at 7:27 AM | 0 comments
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

"Holyshit!" Laura wrote, passing the yellow Memo Pad to the girl on her left. Her friend laughs. The lady in front is too enthusiastic and this annoys the shit out of her.

The whole row of friends can't wait to get out of the current hell-hole they were in. Rebecca was sitting in the corner, leaning on her arms and then leaning back up again. She's struggling to concentrate and the same goes for Abigail who is stretching out like a cat next to her. Charissa is leaning back in her chair with a hand on her belly. She's pregnant with the Food Baby. Laura, the Memo girl, leans on her folded arms on the desk. Melissa has been exchanging notes with Charissa on a new fanfic, but that was all.

Everyone looks at each other and catches each others' eyes. Grinning resignedly, they know there was more than 2 hours to go. "20 thousand per month?? Holy Crap!" Laura looks over and exclaims. The corners of Charissa's lips merely twitches in mock humor. This was going to be a long, long, loooong class. Looking over, she sees Rebecca and Abigail settling in for the long haul.

Returning from their 'trip' to the toilet, the girls feel refreshed. At least, they have returned with a new sunk dread of the coming hour. They have not returned empty handed. Abby and Charie have had bought drinks each - passion fruit and green apple respectively. They, Laura and Becca have bought their Tamadun Islam textbook. Not like they had a choice.

Raymund begins to explain how iPod exploited his life. The teacher cuts in. Everyone can't makes a rat's ass of a sense of what he's saying but it seems very funny to Laura and Charie as they dissolve into fits of giggles at one look at each other.

As Mel writes her fanfic in progress, the dark curtains of her hair obscures her expressions from the others. Her pen works its way smoothly over the paper.

The phlegm chooses its debut just as Jee begins to speak with his trademark "Ah..." Sounded a lot more like "Arhk." He always sounds like he has a constant nasal infection for his voice. The girls couldn't hear a shit of what was being said.

Abby didn't understand why they had to elaborate on their examples. Rebecca and Charie echoed the statement. Laura has decided to talk on her music while Charie, her fanficiton. An hour more to go. Oh God, someone pass the gun.

Another 20 minutes to the next break and Charie decided if the inspiration keeps hitting, she'll publish a book called 'Inspirations of the Uninspired'.

Abby mouths a 'What's she talking about?' Charie merely shrugs as the lecturer deviates from what she was talking about 4 minutes prior. She's going 'what the hell?' because the lady has skipped right through to them.

Laura stares at the florescent fixture like a fly. It couldn't be more obvious to how she was feeling. Even a blind man could feel the waves being emitted. Rebecca has been messaging her friend and has gotten a reply, "Go fart in her face la." Her friend owns.

It was very rare to see Jee smile. And when he did, it usually was, no, always is very very unsettling. He was smiling the entire time Mel was in close proximity with him. The stalker.

The strange thing about this whole shit was the fact that every class that was interesting to the rest of the class was a bore to Jee. And whatever was interesting to the Jee would be everyone else's idea of a personal hell.

Laura silently leans over a cheers "Half-an hour more!" The Food Baby flips and kicks in joy.

Mel grins and whispers "10 minutes more!" The baby is bursting the seams.

No one understands any part of the shitty fuck that's being said. Ai Xin looks at the lady with a frown etched upon her face. That in itself is an indication to how much everyone - except Jee is going to enjoy this class in the four months to come. The lady does not make a shit of sense. She makes even less sense than crack on crack. The explanation that could've been a simple ABC has turned into a ADFZH. Charie is not upset that she has been beaten in the rankings of Super Hyper Energizer Bunny. The lady can have it for all she cared. It's already 5 p.m.

So, WHY THE HELL ARE WE STILL HERE?????????????????????????????????????

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Posted by Mademoiselle Jgabrielle at 6:11 AM | 0 comments