< Adventures in Sasa land

Adventures in Sasa land
In the mind of a hyperactive,plot bunny capturee, fangirl, fic writer

Monday, October 26, 2009
Beautiful. It was the only word that could justify the angel in my arms. When did I get so lucky?

She twirls away from my grasp like the wind- there, tangible but never yours. Smiling, her grey eyes seem to sparkle as they beckoned me to follow. And follow, I did. Her laughter is like the sweet chime of crystal glasses. It cuts through the cold drizzle that we were in. I did not care much for the cold droplets on my skin, my hair and my clothes. In fact, I would very much prefer the warmth of the house and the linens of my bed to this. But she is here, so I must be too.

She eludes me, turning away and flitting from my fingertips. Her white dress is getting drenched more and more by the passing minute. I'm determined to get her inside with me. She laughs as I stumble on a pebble. I swear. She must've been a wood maiden in one of her lifetimes. Even in the dim stormy light, I could see that her cheeks were alive with colour and her eyes wide with excitement. How could I ever deny her the simple pleasure of the rain now?

Soon, I run out of breath. I stop. Lean forward with my hands on my lap, gasping for breath. She runs ahead and then stops. I could see her emotions going from happy mischievousness to curiousness to worry. She approaches me slowly, that is when I pounce.

"Gotcha!" I cried out laughing, tumbling onto the wet grass with her squealing in my arms. We lay there, with the rain in our face and the wet coldness of the grass seeping into our back. At least mine. Soon she ceased her struggles and merely rolled over in my arms and lay with her head on my chest tucked under my chin, listening to the rapid beats of my heart. I run my hand through her damp curls. It was a subconscious thing that I do when she is in my arms. I lean forward to breathe in her. Her sweet scent that was tinged with the rain and earth. I could never get enough of her. "Beautiful." I whispered as she tilts her head up and smiles at me.

"Beautiful." I whisper again. I turn her over, so that I was the one on the top instead of her. I whisper again and again and again and again. Kissing every single part of her cold pale skin as a punctuation. My angel trembled in my ministrations. It made me want her more. I move my hand southwards, looking up to her face for confirmation. She merely pulls me down and runs her long fingers through my hair.


I grinned.....

"Wake up little brother!"

My overtly enthusiastic excuse of an older brother wakes me up with a swift hit of the pillow on my head. "Ow. That hurt." I muttered rolling to my side. The bright morning sunshine assaulted my eyes, nearly blinding them.


I frowned to see what the comment was about this time to see little John tenting up my trousers. My eyes widened in horror and looked up just to see the evil glint in my brother's eye as he skipped out of the door.


Oh god. Kill me now.


Posted by Mademoiselle Jgabrielle at 7:27 AM |


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