1.Attend my own wedding
2.Attend a lecture on why teenagers are teenagers given by some old fart. Just so I can rebuke him with a string of choiced words and thus been escorted out of the hall by security guards =)
3.Overcome my irrational fear of men touching my nape (very very important)
4.Find someone with good hands /=)
5.Get my drivers license. Apparently this should be important, but for me it's a tedious rats arse of a process.
6.Get my diploma
7.Own a hundred books (preferably more)
8.Write and publish something
9.Own more teddy bears. I like teddy bears
10.Get a kitchen with a pantry
11.Get a house with hardwood floors
12.Get educated in the fine art of wines
13.See Ac/Dc in concert
15.Learn how to play a musical instrument
16.Learn how to make 10 more origami thingy
17.Go the whole nine yards for my 21st
Speaking of which, my 18th is coming up.
Labels: Rant, Total Randomness
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