< Adventures in Sasa land

Adventures in Sasa land
In the mind of a hyperactive,plot bunny capturee, fangirl, fic writer

Wednesday, July 22, 2009
"Do you think she'll make it?"

You turn around to see him perched on the railing like it was the most perfectly sane and normal thing to do. His glassy green eyes seem to shine even in the darkness.

"I don't know. I really don't." You hear yourself answering. "But personally, my money's on her." You both stay as you are for a few more moments before he speaks again.

"Mine too. I don't know, but she got spunk."

"You think?" Grinning, you lit the third cigarette of the night. It's peaceful up here on the roof of the Observatory. Here, you can see the entire city sprawled out like a million twinkling dots that make up a giant concrete spiderweb. It was beautiful. Often more than not, you'll meet up here where everything is detached, and it feels just right.

You hear a thump and the coming footsteps. He snags the cig from you and draws a deep slow drag. "How long do you think she'll last?" He turns his eyes on you. "She isn't the type made out for this shit."

You shake your head. "Never judge a book by its' cover. She's stronger than you give her credit for. 'Sides," You take it back from him, scowling when you see he has almost drawn all life from it. "We both know she's destined for greatness."

You catch each other's eyes and say "Made of Awesomeness!" at the same time, dissolving into fits of laughter. Sighing contentedly, you let the wind ruffle your toffee coloured hair and admire it when it whips his silvery blonde locks around.

"What?" He catches you looking.

Shaking your head, you smile and draw him close. "Nothing." You whispered against his lips as you kiss them. They are soft, just like you remembered them to be and they fit perfectly to the contours of yours. You let the kiss run its' course before slowly drawing apart, driven by the need for air. Something tells you it's time.

"I gotta scram." You say, still not moving away. You hate leaving him. Always hated leaving him. "See you soon?" You say, unsure. You hate goodbyes. The feeling sucked worse than a bullet in the.....

"Yeah. Soon." He whispers sadly. You break apart and walk away. Just when he thought you were going for good, you turn and made a run back to steal another kiss from those delectable angel lips. "Whoa." He said panting a little when you release him.

"That was a 'See you soon.'" And you bend down for another one. "Now That was an 'I love you.'" You smirk and walk away. You could be an ass at times, but you know he loves it. You like to think he fell for you because of it in the first place.

Your cellphone is buzzing as you descend the stairs. "Yeah?"

"Where are you?"

"On my way?"

There was a pause and then, "You met Cupid again??? Death!" The exasperated voice of the Controller whined against the earpiece. "That's like..... Wrong. With a capital 'W' Wrong."

"Look. Why don't you just stick it up where the sunshines are? I'm sure you'll be perfectly blissful there." You hear a laugh from the other end and you know that you're off the hook. For now. "My interrupted intimate moment aside, what d'ya got for me?" Judging by the sudden silence on the other end, you know this is big.

"Thames House. It's big alright."

"On my way." You opened the door of your Porshe (Hey, this job ain't without its' perks) you rev the engine to life. Looking back up to the top of the building, you can't see him anymore. Smiling to yourself, you know that he's going the same place you are. "Oh, it'll be big, Baby." You say too no one in particular but yourself as you speed through the empty streets.


Posted by Mademoiselle Jgabrielle at 6:48 AM |


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