< Adventures in Sasa land

Adventures in Sasa land
In the mind of a hyperactive,plot bunny capturee, fangirl, fic writer

Thursday, June 4, 2009
Saw Terminator Salvation the other day. And OMG. Sam Worthington.

Hot. Sizzling earthshaking hot awesomeness. Dripping and oozing from every sexy pore.

Sigh. I obviously take pleasure in gazing at very hot men. Am currently feeling extremely bloated. Had just finished my first meeting with the CF Fund raising committee as a secretary. Now, I'm just sitting here and going 'Why the hell did I take them up on that in the first place??'

Only God knows. I feel rather overwhelmed by all this. And if Michelle's dark omen was anything to go by, I'm in some serious shit. Anyone who knows me well enough knows that responsibility and me don't usually go in the same sentence. Like never in the same sentence. Being a course rep is hard enough now I have to be the fecking bloody bleeding blooming secretary????? God help me. It's not that I hate duties and all that. No. I relish the opportunity to take the helm. But this is some serious shit here.

I've got to go to Krispy Kremes and ask them to sponsor our Fund Raising thing. Honestly, I'll be the first to admit that I'm a super hyper energizer bunny. But this is so totally out of my head! I really need help.

Should I bail now, while the cause is still young and I'm not in too deep, or should I just trudge on glumly, gritting my teeth to the chant that I will receive a cert by the end of all his knish-nak?

Ugh. Someone give me a filter between my brain and mouth.

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Posted by Mademoiselle Jgabrielle at 7:26 AM |


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