< Adventures in Sasa land

Adventures in Sasa land
In the mind of a hyperactive,plot bunny capturee, fangirl, fic writer

Thursday, January 28, 2010
Expect a rant.

0530- Woke up, got ready called a cab for 0645. Was told to wait for confirmation. Stupid taxi fares.

0615- Taxi co. said no cab in the vicinity. Again stupid taxi thingy ma jiggy.

0630- called them again. No cabs still.

0702- Packed in final stuff and begin dragging bag outside. Stef called and begin frantic spazzing tirade with her. She was the one who'd accompanied me till almost about 0300 because I couldn't sleep. Am turning into a total Morticia.

0730- Finally got on a bus. Got to LRT station. There was this kid not more than 13, who'd offered to help me. God bless him. Super skinny, totally would've broken his bone if he'd attempted carrying my bag.

0747- On the way to KL Sentral. Standing in a cramped train with something rubbing against my side. A silent torture. Mode of distraction. Repeating Emily Bronte's Love and Friendship over and over again.

0810- Got down to the waiting area for the KLIA Transit. Got an entire seating area to myself. Awesomeness. Wanted to sleep on the train. It was rocking ever so slightly like a mother lulling her child to slumber. But NO. Stupid freaking body alarm shit had to freaking keep me conscious.

0857- Reached KLIA. Found a place to sit and eat. The simple apple danish was 8.90. 8.90!!!!!!!!!!

0931- Ambling around KLIA when news came over the com that flight got cancelled and postponed to 1400. -Insert choiced expletives-

1037- At McD's. Onlining. Got a free lunch voucher thing which I highly doubt I'm gonna use. Stupid flight getting delayed.

To be continued. The continuous flow of warm tea had slightly left me in a happy buzz and seeking the nearest toilet and a nice bench. FML. Double Triple FML.

Oh for the love of my kolo mee!! I shall prevail. *determined* *determined*


Posted by Mademoiselle Jgabrielle at 6:46 PM |


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