< Adventures in Sasa land

Adventures in Sasa land
In the mind of a hyperactive,plot bunny capturee, fangirl, fic writer

Saturday, May 30, 2009
Just wanted to say. David Tennant is the BEST!!! Oh gawd. Look at him and say otherwise.

I dare you.

The awesome Mr Tennant is actually a Mr David John McDonald hailing from Paisley, Scotland on the 18h of April 1971. Standing at 6"1, he's an Aries who is acclaimed for his roles in theater and TV. Most notably as the fast-slinging, witty and indisputably sexy 10th regeneration of the Time Traveller from Gallifrey, simply known as the Doctor. The Doctor Who. I mean, how cool is that? Just to be able to tell people the you are the Doctor.

The son of a Presbyterian minister, he was brought up in Bathsgate. A place made famous by the band called The Proclaimers (Who also happen to be his favourite band!) He knew he'd wanted to be an actor from a very wee age (around 3 or 4!) He did some theatre for some time before he landed the role of a manic-depressive Campbell Bain in the awrd-winning BBC Tv production, Takin' Over the Asylum. It was a role that he claimed changed his life.

Then in 1996, when he'd just turned the ripe old age of 25, the talented Mr Tenant joined the Royal Shakespeare company. Fast forward a few years found David with three roles that won him international acclaim, namely as Reverand Gibson in 'He knew he was right', an Andrew Davies' adaptation of the novel by Trollope. As Detective Inspector Peter Carlisle in BBC's Blackpool, he won over critical acclaim as the food-a-holic police officer. And also as the infamous, always associated with sex, Casanova.

Besides being the Doctor in Doctor Who, David Tenant also had a share of the big screen in a little less known adaptation of a very under the radar book called Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire where he played the dashingly psychotic role of Barty Crouch Junior.

All in all, there's no denying it. He's one smoking hot, talent in a pot Scotsman!

Posted by Mademoiselle Jgabrielle at 1:15 AM | 0 comments
So here I am. The cyber cafe place in my hostel canteen is seriously earning alot from me alone. I think I might have dropped about 30 ringgit in this week alone. *shudder*

So am here. Currently listening to Daft Punk's One more time. Sorta like a theme song between my sis and I. Loved it since the first time I heard it. French Tech rules! (And who said I was just a pop sorta girl?)

Bands I love:

  1. Coldplay
  2. Keane
  3. Bloc Party
  4. Metrostation
  5. Daft Punk
  6. Justice
  7. The Ting Tings
  8. White Lies
  9. The Veronicas
  10. The Script
Doron, mind telling me what 42 meant? Anyone???

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Posted by Mademoiselle Jgabrielle at 12:45 AM | 0 comments
Friday, May 29, 2009

So now we got our timetables, so why am I ranting? Well. It's because it's bleeding blooming bloody confusing!!

I had more than one coursemate come and message me in the middle of the night and ask me if there is class tommorow. Omg. You have a timetable don't you??? Over the past few days, my phone has been buzzing with messages. Truthfully in all honesty, I don't mind them. I don't mind the calls at 12 in the morning and the messages at 2. I seriously have no problems at all with them. The only bone (or bones) I have to pick is that, Yes I am your course rep. But that doesn't mean I'm God. I don't know everything and I don't pretend that I do. You all have legs and eyes and a mouth. Use the ratio. Everyone has maps and there has never been anything wrong in going to the SSH admin block (which is just right beside block V behind the college hall) Walking the extra mile never hurt no one. If there'd been anyone to take out your stakes and point it at, it's them- The very smart and awesome people in the office of the Sekolah Syaitan and Hantu admin office.

Check the notice board as had been kindly suggested by the head of our school himself during our mass call (unless you were too "busy" to listen) If you still aren't sure, drop by and ask them personally. Then, you come and inform me. Yes. You can ask your seniors, but please bear in mind that that is the only thing that they are. Seniors. They aren't Gods of the universe as well. I'm not trying to be mean or iffy or anything. Am just trying to point out that responsibilities can be carried out by all of us as a class.

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Posted by Mademoiselle Jgabrielle at 8:32 PM | 0 comments
Went to the swimming pool at the sports complex and they said that they were out of tickets for the pool. =( Note to self:Buy tickets early. Am currently re-watching the Doctor Who special of the Weakest Link. God. I love Anne. She's the real Queen of Mean. Let's list out the things I love (which by my friends, is a totally Herculean feat)
  1. Books- I'm a geek. Gotta problem with that? Books are the only things I don't even have to think twice about buying.
  2. Food- Malaysian. Need I say more?
  3. Stationery- (Did I get that right?) To write things down of course. You won't believe how many pens and pencils, discounting the markers and what-nots that I currently own.
  4. Dr.Who- David Tennant+The TARDIS= Awesomeness. Best show ever in my opinion. Doesn't matter what people say about how they don't get it. Haters don't know shit if it was right under their noses.
  5. Torchwood- John Barrowman+Gareth Davies-Lloyd=Janto(Jack+Ianto) And that, is super awesomeness.
  6. Teddy bears- I'd prefer plush toys and books over chocolates and roses. Any day. So take note.
  7. Music- For studying and mind numbing relaxation moments.
Just a few in the passing. Probably would add on once I got all the fuzzums in my brain sorted out properly.

Posted by Mademoiselle Jgabrielle at 7:39 AM | 0 comments
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Classes got cancelled today so now I'm sitting at the library... Doing this. Though I don't really have am inkling what 'this' is. Am hoping that later comes soon so that I can finally, I repeat finally go and lay my head on my pillow.

Posted by Mademoiselle Jgabrielle at 11:47 PM | 0 comments


I dunno if this works, but that's the trailer for Torchwood Season 3-at least I think it is.. Torchwood is an anagram for Doctor Who. And yes. It's a spin-off of Doctor Who. But trust me when I say that it is no way dismayal like the Sarah-Jane Adventures.

Captain Jack, Ianto Jones and the lovely Gwen Cooper are back after the devastating loss of Torchwood members Owen Harper and Toshiko Sato. Bummer really. They both brought to the show, so much. It was definitely a tear jerker. The latest series will have to wait till the Dr Who specials end. Again. Bummer.

Saw the books in a warehouse sale the other day. Honestly, I think there were some poor patrons who thought I was bonkers or something because I totally went like "Yes! Yes!! Yesss!!" Sounds a little too much like orgasms. Maybe I was having too much fun? I have a bone to pick with the writers. Why is Ianto only mentioned sparingly throughout the three books???? And yes. I'm a total Janto shipper.

Will definitely miss Burn Gorman and Naoki Mori on the show, but yeah. Torchwood members are always living on borrowed time.

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Posted by Mademoiselle Jgabrielle at 9:26 PM | 0 comments


Picture belongs to supernaturalfanwiki.com

Supernatural season 4 has officially ended with the final ep aptly entitled 'Lucifer Rising'. I applaud the producers, scriptwriters and most especially the men of awesomeness Jensen and Jared themselves for portraying their characters to a whole new level. But my problem was

WHY??? WHY???? WHY??????????

I get that there are only 5 seasons and all and we've got to have something to draw us in to watch it, but why in the name of everything fan-girlisms did you guys have to make it a cliffhanger?? Ruby is a bitch(Yay~) I think eveyone sorta knew that from the beginning. Turns out she was a dirty cheating lying double crosser that she ultimately was in every loyal Winchester Girls' mind. There are loads of moments in this season that you sorta go, 'Awww...' Scenes that involve the brothers could make you just smile a little. But then again there were also scenes that you just wanted to give them both a slap on their heads and shout 'That's your brother, you idjit!'

Old Yellow Eyes turns out to be the bonafied Son of the Devil himself. Gasp. I think, looking back, there were hints all along. Lilith is the final seal and First Demon (First human turned demon by the devil after his fallout with God). Crazy psycho demon-child thingy has an apetite for human babies. Ew. Her personal chef became a snack after Sam (gone nuts and stuff) 'fed' on her'. Yes people. Sammy fed on her demon blood. What I gotta say is, 'Dude!'

Anywhos, Dean gets locked up in some heavenly witing room of sorts where it's complete with a burger and a beer. Guess that would be a cool place to be sent up to if you are into burgers and beer. I would prefer a library with soft cuhions and throw pillows with a kitchen. The two angels Zach and Cas appear and tell him that he has to be the one to kill Lucifer, not Sam. That'll be one of my highlights of Season 5. Interesting how the plot plays out so well. Big brother Winchester demands to be let out, only to be denied the get out of jail free pass. Then Cas comes in and cuts himself, smearing the blood on the wall. Ew and Ouch. He tells Dean that Lilith isn't just the only one after the breaking of the final seal. She's the final seal meaning that her death will result in Lucifer's release. Uh-oh. Because Sam has found her after making a deal with the personal chef and is on their way with Ruby to kill her.

Dean and Cas arrive back on Earth where we see the prophet Chuck (from ep 'The mosters at the end of this book') hooking it up with 20 $1,000 prostitutes. Yup. It's the end of the world and he knows it. The dude is surprised to see them, seeing that they shouldn't be here at all. Too bad the party got crashed, coz it would've been fun to see what they could've gotten up to. Chuck tells Dean where his little brother would be and sends him on his way while he and angel Castiel stay and try to delay the Archangel breathing down powers of awesomeness down on them.

Dean arrives in time and baby Sammy seems to have reverted to his old self, only to be micked by baby-eating Lilith. Squezing the trigger, he kills her. And that's when all hell breaks loose. Literally. Dean barges in through the door and stabs the bitch (Did I just hear a chorus of yeahs and cheers of joy?). The Winchester boys look at each other and the viewers (primarily the girls) just smile and sigh at the looks of pure forgiveness and regret that emit from both of them. I mean seriously? There could've been no other duos better suited for these roles than the two of them. The brotherly chemistry is apparent in every scene and moment that they are together on our screens. However, the bromance moment is cut short as the floors are opening and some serious scary looking light that practically screams not-good is shining. And our screens are blinded in a curtain of bright light.

I wish I could insert strings of swear words, but I won't. No because I can't, just that I won't. Viewers in the US will be able to watch the last season of the show in about 3 months while the rest of us will have to wait. Season 4 will hit Asian shores through AXN Beyond in the 2nd half of 2009, which isn't very long. But, ARGH! I tell you. Waiting is not my forte. But then again, there is the miracle called the Internet. Ah. The joys of technology. It'll definitely be a long wait, but we can be deifinitely sure. The party is not over yet.

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Posted by Mademoiselle Jgabrielle at 8:08 PM | 0 comments
Saturday, May 23, 2009
The timetable isn't out yet. The timetable isn't out yet!!! *Moans in frustration* SOT got theirs already why is ours late???? Argh! I'm feeling rather Hannibal-ish... Sigh.. Can't do shit about it. Will be attending a party later with a big, humongous very-sightable pimple on the middle of my brow. Yes people. It's gobsmacked right there. Like a beacon or a volcano waiting to erupt. Buggers. Feeling kinda down now. Possible signs of a fever or flu coming along. Then again, everything comes along pretty well.

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Posted by Mademoiselle Jgabrielle at 7:18 PM | 0 comments
Friday, May 22, 2009
The stupid timetable isn't out yet. Bummerings. Okay. I havn't kept a blog in a long long looooong time so this is somewhat of a rediscovery process. Forgive me in advance.

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Posted by Mademoiselle Jgabrielle at 7:34 AM | 0 comments