< Adventures in Sasa land

Adventures in Sasa land
In the mind of a hyperactive,plot bunny capturee, fangirl, fic writer

Thursday, July 30, 2009
1. Barney. That dude from Blues Clues. One of the guys from High 5.
>High Five dude. Dude from Blues Clues though I still think he's a pea brained idiot. Cliff Barney. He's a paedophile

2.Mojojojo. Him. Fuzzy Lumpkins.
>Him. Mojo. Shoot Fuzzy before I cliff him.

3.Ryan Philippe. Leonardo DiCaprio. Tobey Maguire.
>I'll always love Leo. I mean c'mon, he's Leo-freaking hotness-DiCaprio. So I'll marry Leo. Shag Ryan and Tobey on the side, coz Tobey's gotten a little too obnoxious for my liking, Ryan cheated on Reese.

4.Colin Farrell. Cillian Murphy. Colin Morgan.
>I'll marry Cillian and Colin M. (oviously) coz I just don't want to choose. Colin can bungee jump off the ledge for all I care.

5.Tyra. Kimora. Janice
>Love Tyra, love Kimora. Love hate Janice. That's why she's going off the ledge. sorry.

6.Angels. Faeries. Pixies.
>There's a difference, just don't know what the hell that would be. But it would be in the order stated above. I think it would take a saint to live with me when I'm older.

7.Angel. Buffy. Skins.
>Buffy. Though I have never seen it, Skins. Angel is a love hate thing for me.

8.Macho dudes. Metro dudes. Music dudes.
>It's the lesser of three weevils, so I'll Marry the music. Shag the macho. Dump the metro. I don't want to compete with no one's freaking hair.

9.Mika. Marc Jacobs. John Barrowman.
>John! For freaking SURE John! I'll marry him just so that he can shag me while singing his tunes. and his Scottish accent... OOOOO... Shag Mika coz of the hair and he just looks damn fcukable (I would swear, but Mel just told me that her baby brother reads my profile. Whatever for, I don't know. So trying to keep it kid friendly here, but failing miserably *Sigh*) Get Marc Jacobs to design me a whole entire line of clothing and then decide once more.

10.Mermen. Centaurs. Tigermen.
>Centaurs coz they're rumoured to be super uber smart. Mermen just for the water activites. Tigermen... er.. scary things, them lot. They'll go off.

Posted by Mademoiselle Jgabrielle at 6:55 AM | 0 comments
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Becca, I love your answers. Okiee... Next one.

1.Acer.Dell. Vaio.
>Vaio. Dell. Acer. (I'm using Acer.)

2.Kim Jae Won. Lee Jun Ki. Rain.
>Jun-Ki. Jae Won. Rain (He can bust his moves while on the way down)

3.Labrador. Rottweiler. German Shepard.
>In that same order.

4.Jonas Bros. Backstreet Boys. Westlife.
>Westlife. JB. BB. (They old)

5.Converse. Vincci. Jimmy Choo.
>I'll take them all, please.

6.China. America. Italy
>Italy. (Coz they can cook) Between the next two, It's a tie. I'd shag them then I throw them off the cliff.

7.Men with: Curly hair. Shag hair. spiky hair.
>Shag Hair. Curly hair. Spiky hair. (Something about shag hairs....)

8.Edward Cullen. Lestat. Dracula.
>Marry Lestat eventhough he'd probably be a pain in the ass. Shag Cullen coz he's going to be super shaggable? Cliff Dracula coz he's just wrong.

9.Darth Vader. Voldemort. Mr Freeze.
>Cliff all of them. God knows why I even suggested this.

10.Prince William. Prince Harry. Prince Andrea.
>Andrea. Harry. William. (Will is having a receding hairline problem)

Posted by Mademoiselle Jgabrielle at 11:21 PM | 0 comments
Becca, Galdon is not nerdy. Not at all. Galdon is the most un-nerdiest person you could ever meet. Nerds are probably scared of him. HELL. I'm scared of him. If you see him, you wouldn't even dare to think that he's nerdy. Galdon and nerdy don't go together in the same sentence, my friend... He's like, a polar opposite of nerdy. LOL!

Went for a blood test today and I can safely say that I will NEVER get used to it. Jean, baby! I miss you already. Bought tonnes of stuff from Sg Wang. Awesome place to shop coz it's like dirt cheap there.

List of things a student from Sarawak to KL should know.

1.Money is going to be tight unless you are given an unlimited allowance.

2.Places like Sg. Wang & Times Square are THE places to go if you wanna shop. It's like a shopping paradise there and your wallet will thank you for it.

3. If it's possible, go to warehouse sales. The prices are often more than not, very ridiculous.

4.Home cook meals are a blessing from Heaven and should be revered, unless of course you can cook and have a kitchen.

5.Unfortunately, the air is bad. Very. Very. Bad.

6.You'll need alot of short sleeve clothings.

7.People here, are more often than not, very very unfriendly. But I would like to note that not all are like that. I've met some that are super duper uber friendly to the max.

8.Cheap food in KL does not exist. Even if they do, by the time you get to the place, the cost of getting there and the food, is already expensive.

9.Bring loads of sunblock. Your skin will thank you for it.

10.Public transport is the way to go. 'Less you have a car or have stand-by drivers all the time, you'll need to get a Touch 'n Go and a book to be in your bag.

11.Drink loads and loads of water. But be careful! The water in KL aren't always un-dodgy.

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Posted by Mademoiselle Jgabrielle at 3:01 AM | 0 comments
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
1.Jake Missing. Galdon Gan. Jonathan Teo
>Galdon. Jonathan. Jake. (For obvious reasons)

2.Aazean Aida. Ellis Chang. Stefanie Yong.
>Stefanie. Aazean. Ellis (Though I'd no.2 her before I cliff her)

3.Winnie the Pooh. Snoopy. Mickey Mouse
>Pooh. Snoopy. Mickey. (Bloody overrated already)

4.Greece. Australia. Japan
>Australia. Greece. Japan. (Coz unfortunately we don't speak the same language)

5.Camaro. Porshe. Ferrari.
>Ferrari. Camaro. Porshe. (Though I'd prefer a Chevy Impala)

6. The lead singer of The Script. The lead singer of The Fray. Chad Kroeger.
>The Script. Chad. The Fray. (Sorry.)

7.Zachary Quinto. Milo Ventimiglia (However the blazes you spell his name). Chris Pine.
>I'll Shag them all anyday, anyway, anywhere. XD

8.Jack Daniels. Chivas. Absolut Vodka.
>JD. Chivas. Absolut.

9.Hershey. m&m. Mars Bars.
>Again. I'll shag all of 'em.

10.Enrique. David Cook. Jesse McCartney.
>Can I have them all? =)


Posted by Mademoiselle Jgabrielle at 6:30 AM | 0 comments
Monday, July 27, 2009
Yep. I'm bleeding working the whole art-unique thing. Hahaha.. This is me. Out of my mind. But then again the apple pies warped me a long long time ago. Feel like dancing so bad now. Right-O. Here's a list of things I wanna do before I'm 30. Will keep updating from time to time.

1.Attend my own wedding
2.Attend a lecture on why teenagers are teenagers given by some old fart. Just so I can rebuke him with a string of choiced words and thus been escorted out of the hall by security guards =)
3.Overcome my irrational fear of men touching my nape (very very important)
4.Find someone with good hands /=)
5.Get my drivers license. Apparently this should be important, but for me it's a tedious rats arse of a process.
6.Get my diploma
7.Own a hundred books (preferably more)
8.Write and publish something
9.Own more teddy bears. I like teddy bears
10.Get a kitchen with a pantry
11.Get a house with hardwood floors
12.Get educated in the fine art of wines
13.See Ac/Dc in concert
15.Learn how to play a musical instrument
16.Learn how to make 10 more origami thingy
17.Go the whole nine yards for my 21st

Speaking of which, my 18th is coming up.

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Posted by Mademoiselle Jgabrielle at 8:09 AM | 0 comments
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
"Do you think she'll make it?"

You turn around to see him perched on the railing like it was the most perfectly sane and normal thing to do. His glassy green eyes seem to shine even in the darkness.

"I don't know. I really don't." You hear yourself answering. "But personally, my money's on her." You both stay as you are for a few more moments before he speaks again.

"Mine too. I don't know, but she got spunk."

"You think?" Grinning, you lit the third cigarette of the night. It's peaceful up here on the roof of the Observatory. Here, you can see the entire city sprawled out like a million twinkling dots that make up a giant concrete spiderweb. It was beautiful. Often more than not, you'll meet up here where everything is detached, and it feels just right.

You hear a thump and the coming footsteps. He snags the cig from you and draws a deep slow drag. "How long do you think she'll last?" He turns his eyes on you. "She isn't the type made out for this shit."

You shake your head. "Never judge a book by its' cover. She's stronger than you give her credit for. 'Sides," You take it back from him, scowling when you see he has almost drawn all life from it. "We both know she's destined for greatness."

You catch each other's eyes and say "Made of Awesomeness!" at the same time, dissolving into fits of laughter. Sighing contentedly, you let the wind ruffle your toffee coloured hair and admire it when it whips his silvery blonde locks around.

"What?" He catches you looking.

Shaking your head, you smile and draw him close. "Nothing." You whispered against his lips as you kiss them. They are soft, just like you remembered them to be and they fit perfectly to the contours of yours. You let the kiss run its' course before slowly drawing apart, driven by the need for air. Something tells you it's time.

"I gotta scram." You say, still not moving away. You hate leaving him. Always hated leaving him. "See you soon?" You say, unsure. You hate goodbyes. The feeling sucked worse than a bullet in the.....

"Yeah. Soon." He whispers sadly. You break apart and walk away. Just when he thought you were going for good, you turn and made a run back to steal another kiss from those delectable angel lips. "Whoa." He said panting a little when you release him.

"That was a 'See you soon.'" And you bend down for another one. "Now That was an 'I love you.'" You smirk and walk away. You could be an ass at times, but you know he loves it. You like to think he fell for you because of it in the first place.

Your cellphone is buzzing as you descend the stairs. "Yeah?"

"Where are you?"

"On my way?"

There was a pause and then, "You met Cupid again??? Death!" The exasperated voice of the Controller whined against the earpiece. "That's like..... Wrong. With a capital 'W' Wrong."

"Look. Why don't you just stick it up where the sunshines are? I'm sure you'll be perfectly blissful there." You hear a laugh from the other end and you know that you're off the hook. For now. "My interrupted intimate moment aside, what d'ya got for me?" Judging by the sudden silence on the other end, you know this is big.

"Thames House. It's big alright."

"On my way." You opened the door of your Porshe (Hey, this job ain't without its' perks) you rev the engine to life. Looking back up to the top of the building, you can't see him anymore. Smiling to yourself, you know that he's going the same place you are. "Oh, it'll be big, Baby." You say too no one in particular but yourself as you speed through the empty streets.


Posted by Mademoiselle Jgabrielle at 6:48 AM | 0 comments
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
I've been crying for two -bleeping- days straight now. I'm in mourning and I plan to exhaust my entire black wardrobe by the end of the week. I havn't had a spare moment to think about anything else but It. I havn't felt this empty since that moment as I stood outside the clinic after being confirmed a diabetic. The world should stop now. But why should it? Just because Ianto Jones died, doesn't mean the world should take notice?


We notice it. We, Ianto's fangirls, notice it. And we don't like it. My friends have officially said that I'm weird. Why shouldn't I be? Here's how everything changes.

Sunday,19 July
Checking mail, checking facebook, realised that CoE should be out soon. Googles CoE. Clicks on Wikipedia. Gasps when reading about Ianto dying. (It was so -bleep- brief! Like the person writing it was just trying to get to the end) Searches the web for more news. Starts to cry. Alarms roomie. Still in shock. Tells cauliflower (my friend) about this. She says I'm whacked for crying over Yan. I says that I'm not. Couldn't sleep till 4 a.m. Cried self to sleep.

Monday, 20 July
First day of mourning. Wears black shirt to class. Announces in Facebook profile and everywhere else that is mine that am in mourning. Didn't really talk much. Kept mostly to to my friends. They're in disbelief that someone would actually weep over a dead TV character. They says that at least Gareth isn't the one dead. Comes back to room and opens the web. Does the same thing yesterday and racks the web for answers. Starts writing 'Time'-fic (Message for link) but stops halfway, bursting to tears. Sleeps earlier today because of exhaustion. Still cried self to sleep.

Tuesday, 21 July
Begins to write about feelings. (Refer to other blog) Continues writing Time-fic. Begings to read other blogs and fanfics regarding matter. Stops when things get too heavy. Begins posting on blog.

I havn't cried today. I'm hoping I can sleep without the tears, but after reading ~*Sherry*~'s livejournal entry, I'm not too sure about it anymore. I feel like my heart is about to burst. I havn't felt this way in a long time and the last time I did, I prayed that I'd never feel soo bloody helpless and empty again. I know it's irrational to feel this way about a character from a television series, but you don't understand. You never do, do you?

Living in Malaysia is somewhat of a information block-out. I didn't get the news till almost a week after the last ep was aired. I could've grieved a long time ago. I don't know how to cope. As I'm writing this, I'm listening to Ianto's speech from Deadline. Probably not doing any good for my not-crying mission. I really miss him. I really do. Eventhough I havn't seen the episode myself, just the news of it... It's enough to drive me to tears. Right now, for therapy I'm ggoing to keep on writing. Because at least there, I can still have him. I can still dream.

To all those Torchwood fans out there, know this; You Are Not Alone. Only a fan knows another fan. We're not crazy. We're coping. Fanfickers, a super thank you. It's through your stories that we find some sort of solace in this pain. There, at least, we can still have him. Even if it's just for a little while longer. To those that read til here, thank you. Even if you don't understand.

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Posted by Mademoiselle Jgabrielle at 8:33 AM | 0 comments
You are quiet all day. Your friends know what's wrong, but they don't know what to do. Your eyes are rather puffy and red from all the crying. You've been wearing black for almost the entire week already, and you'd never thought that black could bring some solace to what you are feeling now. It seems to amaze you that you find yourself wearing so much of that colour, the colour that used to depress you slightly in the past. The emptiness in you seems to well up and drag you in.

You don't feel like you don't know anything anymore. The world should've stopped. It should've stopped the moment.... Tears are welling up now. You're willing everything within you now to let them show. You've dried up all your prayers. You don't know what to say to Him anymore. You know that it's in times like these, you should trust Him more. But you don't want to feel. Or rather, you can't be bothered anymore.

You feel her sit down next to you. Brushing her long hair aside, she clasps her hands on her lap. "Hey hun." She offers you a small smile. "How are you holding up?" You don't trust your voice, opting to shrug your shoulders instead. She's another mourner. Another person left behind to sort this shit out. Another widower. you have never seen her tears, but you can sense them somewhere behind her worldwise eyes. Together, you sit together under the shade of the trees. It's not like you didn't see it coming. In fact, you expected it even. It's just that....

You hadn't heard the news. You were too busy being you. Until that night, that warm summer night, you finally heard. He's gone! He's gone! They all screamed in unison. You don't believe it. You look at the other news, they all say the same thing. And you can't believe you had let it slipped you by.

All over, the widows mourn. She slips her hand over your smaller ones. It's a warm summers' day, but you feel nothing but a biting cold that gnaws at your bones. You feel weary, drained of everything. "It gets better, hun. It always does." You hear her say softly as the wind brushes against the trees. You let the tear fall. It's nothing but a small whisper, but you hope that the wind carries it to the heavens above where you know he is. "Does it? Does it really get better?"

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Posted by Mademoiselle Jgabrielle at 5:08 AM | 0 comments
Sunday, July 19, 2009

The only good thing that I can see from my grieving is that Supernatural WILL be renewed for a Season 6. That means there will be something to look forward to after this September's run of Season 5.

Whoop-de-do. Now what? I'm still wearing black.

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Posted by Mademoiselle Jgabrielle at 11:21 AM | 0 comments

I'm absolutely upset. Ianto's dead. I know that Torchwood employees never live long enough to see their hair turn gray, but I still can't help but be affected. I havn't seen any of the episodes of Series3. I have, though, Wikipedia-ed it. And imagine it when I read that Ianto DIED. So I went on all the major TV guide sites and they all tell me one thing. My favourite tea-boy's dead.

The clip is actually a snippet of the last of three (was it three??) audio episodes that aired just recently. The part that's here is the one where Ianto talks to Jack while he's in a trance-like state. It gets really emotional for us 'actual' fans, because it's here that Ianto sorta bares his soul a little. Calling himself 'a blip in time', he pleads for Jack to come back though he's very much aware of the day that will come that Jack will leave for good. The fangirl in me is totally bunking out in the midst of sodden tissues and empty boxes.

I want him BACK, Mr. Russel T. Davies! I know for a fact that John was spotted on the Dr. Who set recently, so I know you're plotting something. And it better be good. Us fangirls like our tea-boys.

My roomie's looking at me all funny 'coz I just spent a good 15 minutes hugging my pillow while replaying the clip and sobbing. Sigh.

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Posted by Mademoiselle Jgabrielle at 9:56 AM | 0 comments
Friday, July 3, 2009
My roomie is made of awesomeness. Because of her, I now have Season 2 to Season 4 of Supernatural. -Insert fangirl screams and squeels- Sigh... Life is good. The only thing that can be seriously better now, is if the boys themselves ......Ehem. Some sordid fantasies should be kept to one's selves. Lol.

Posted by Mademoiselle Jgabrielle at 11:04 PM | 0 comments